Nutritionist, Health Coach, Healthy Cheerleader
My Purpose

For men and women to have happy digestion and a clear mind for a greater life!

To liberate YOU from constipation discomfort! Knowing what negatively affects your health. Optimizing the healing of your gut.Feeling healthy inside and out. And that's only the beginning. Your health will no longer limit you. You will have great energy,vibrancy, and smooth bathroom experiences!
My Uniqueness
Nikki Golly is the only Constipation Nutritionist who utilizes an innovative, proven, 5-step system for men, women, and children around the world who want quick and easy relief from constipation in an era where many of them rely upon doctors who really don't know what’s best and medicine that is not effective.
Nikki Golly's Story
My Journey
I silently suffered from a food allergy and major constipation for 27 years before I found real relief and then figured out how to heal myself.
I :
- Want to ensure others don’t have to endure the same agony for any time, not to mention the many years I suffered.
- Use the knowledge I gained from getting a degree in nutrition and dietetics
- Learned expertise from working in a vitamin store for 8 years.
- Leverage this wisdom to help my clients find relief and healing faster.
- Am on a mission to help families experience the healthiest and happiest version of themselves.

Podcasts I have been featured on:
- Bringing Education Home with Herb and Kristina (listen now)
- Urban Farm Podcast w/ Greg Peterson (listen now)
- Be You Podcast w/ Kelsey Lane Davidson
- Mama Genious Hub (listen now)
- Single Parent Reset Show with Tess Connelly
- RAD with Robert Alexander Doran
- Profound Professionals with Jessica Koch (listen now)
How Are You Doing Now?
Find out if you have a risk for Colon Cancer. Email me today and I'll send you my Colon Cancer Risk Quiz.